Sleeping Dogs

These videogame meals will make your mouth water

Take a culinary tour through FINAL FANTASY XV, Life is Strange, DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 and more
By Duncan Heaney

Feeling snacky? If you’ve been playing videogames we can’t really blame you.

Food plays a big role in many of our favorite games, from managing hunger meters in DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 to buffing your buddies in FINAL FANTASY XV. And that’s just for starters.

So let us be your maître d, and showcase just a few of the things we have on the menu…

Joyce’s Belgian waffle - Life is Strange

You face many choices in Life is Strange, but few as difficult and emotionally draining as this big one in episode 2: what do you want for breakfast - a bacon omelette or Belgian waffle?

Wow. Yeah, that’s a toughie. Erm…I guess I’d go with the omelette.

Wrong. The correct answer was waffle.

I thought Life is Strange doesn’t have wrong choices?

Well, it technically doesn’t but… what kind of crazy person would choose an omelette over a waffle?

I like eggs!

Ugh - I can’t even look at you right now.

Anyway, the choice comes before an important discussion where Max proves to her friend Chloe that she has the power to rewind time at will. It’s a fantastic scene that’s a perfect accompaniment for that buttery battered beauty.

If I could, I’d rewind time so I could eat the waffle again.

Right? And yet Max never does! It’s a real wasted opportunity.

Pork bun - Sleeping Dogs

No trip to Sleeping Dogs’ version of Hong Kong would be complete without trying one of the city’s famous pork buns.

Ooh, that sounds delicious!

Yep. A man who never eats a pork bun is never a whole man.

Um… excuse me?

It’s what the vendors say. Again. And again.

And again.

Okay, but what does it mean?

I think it means they want you to buy a pork bun.

In fairness, they do seem to be remarkably nutritious. A quick nibble on this meaty treat and your character Wei Shen gets a health regeneration buff that lets him even shake off knife wounds.

And that’s very useful when you’re trying to infiltrate the Triad.

I see. So you could argue that unless you eat a pork bun, you’ll never be at full health. And therefore, never a whole man.

Oooooh! Now it all makes sense!

…no it doesn’t.

Gysahl Greens - Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY!

If you want a really healthy option, try a pile of Gysahl greens. These vegetables - a staple of the FINAL FANTASY series - are big, green and absolutely delicious.

I dunno, they don’t sound all that good…

They do if you’re a chocobo!

Our fine feathered friends love their greens - particularly the descriptively-named Chocobo from the wonderful Chocobo’s Mystery Dungeon EVERY BUDDY!

Exploring dangerous temples is tough work and Chocobo gets hungrier and hungrier as he explores. If the hunger level gets too high, the poor little chap will pass out.

I feel like that at work sometimes.

…well ignoring your obvious cries for help, there is one thing that can keep Chocobo going - Gysahl Greens.

Not only do they sate his hunger, the contented little ‘wark’ he gives out when he chows down is will make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

But presumably still hungry.

Well if you’re hungry, this next meal will definitely solve that problem…

The Stacked Ham Sandwich - FINAL FANTASY XV

FINAL FANTASY XV is an inspiring story about four friends who travel the world trying to eat every meal in existence.

I don’t think that’s exactly what it’s about…

It is the way I play it.

FINAL FANTASY XV is a food lover’s dream - wherever you go, you’ll be confronted with the most mouth-watering meals imaginable.

But few meals are quite so drool-inducing as this: The Stacked Ham Sandwich.

Oh wow. That is… ample.

Pretty big right?

Yeah. Shut up and give it to me already!

Ah. Well about that. First it has to be made at camp by super-chef Ignis.

That seems fine…

But before that, he has to learn the recipe.

So buy him a cookbook already!

Actually, to get the recipe you need to eat another sandwich: the Fat Chocobo Triple Decker.

That doesn’t seem so bad…

But first you have to go to Wiz’s Chocobo Post….

Inconvenient, but okay.

And then you have to get the owner to add it to the diner’s menu.

…I’m starting to get a bad feeling about this one.

He’ll only add it when you’ve completed a series of quests for him, mostly involving risking life and limb to save different types of chocobos.

And how long will that take!?

Well, depending on where you are in the story, you can probably get through them all in a few hours.


Look at it this way - to eat a sandwich that size, you’ll need to work up an appetite, right?


Okay, okay! We’ll look at something a bit quicker.


There’s a lot of food in DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2. Like, a lot.

Eating plays a big role in the game. It’s important to keep your hero and allies well fed - and fortunately, the game contains more delish dishes than you can count.

Wow. More than 10?

A lot more than 10, yes.

From simple snacks like a freshly cooked cabbage, to elaborate dishes with multiple ingredients, there’s sure to be something that will make you lick your lips.

Awesome. So it’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Well more like an all-you-can-make buffet. You’re a Master Builder remember - if you want something nice, you’ll have to create it yourself.

Aw man… you mean I have to cook my own dinner?

Well yes, but it’s actually really fun!

Remember - DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 is all about creativity and experimentation, and playing around with the different meals is every bit as rewarding as building a house or slicing up a Slime.

As you explore, you’ll collect all sorts of ingredients, which you’ll be able to combine and cook up in all sorts of ways. You can even make your own farm to create a steady supply of eats to throw on the grill.

Actually that does sound pretty awesome.

Yep. It just goes to prove that when it comes to cooking, the more effort you put in, the more rewarding the result.

Well there’s some food for thought.

That was just a small canapes-worth of the culinary delights (and not so delights) in Square Enix games.

But we want to know what you think. Did we miss any examples? Do you have any alternate selections? Did you successfully get and eat the Stacked Ham Sandwich? Share your thoughts in the comments and on social media:

More Square Enix friendships that will warm your heart

Let’s celebrate some of the greatest friendships in Square Enix history, from FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and beyond!
By Duncan Heaney

Forget things like Summons or Limit Breaks - friendship is the most powerful force in the universe. It lifts our spirits when we’re down, fills us with laughter and happiness, and makes us all feel like better people. We’re grateful to have it.

Good friendships are a wonderful thing to witness in games too - as we’ve talked about before. So in that spirit, we wanted to celebrate some of the most memorable BFFs of all.

Only the sternest-hearted could fail to be uplifted by the likes of…

Hawkeye and Niccolo - Trials of Mana

There’s friendship and then there’s ‘break you out of prison’ friendship.

We should all be so lucky to have someone like Niccolo in our lives. He’s loyal, reliable and affectionate. He’s also a cat - which makes those traits all the more surprising.

He and Hawkeye live together in the desert fortress of Nevarl, where they operate as skilled members of the thieves guild. Between the two of them, no item is safe and no chest goes unplundered. At least until the sinister Belladonna arrives.

Thanks to her manipulative machinations, Hawkeye is locked in the dungeons for a crime he didn’t commit - and his adoptive sister Jessica is placed in mortal danger. All looks bleak for the hero… so thank goodness for Niccolo.

The feline friend breaks through the walls of Hawkeye’s cage, and gives the young rogue a way to escape. Not only that, he promises to stay behind and watch over his family - a decision that doesn’t work out all that well, but hey, it’s the thought that counts.

Wei Shen and Jackie Ma - Sleeping Dogs

Infiltrating the underworld is hard enough, but it’s so much worse when you have to lie to someone you care about.

That’s the awkward situation for undercover cop Wei Shen in Sleeping Dogs. Tasked with working his way into the Hong Kong Triad, he uses his childhood friendship with Jackie Ma to get the job done.

The two have a long history together, and their friendship only grows when they reunite. Thanks to Wei’s influence, Jackie grows in confidence and eventually even get accepted into the organization.

And despite his deceit, Wei Shen feels genuine affection for his comrade, even using his influence to get him released from prison and encouraging him to leave his life as a criminal behind.

Sadly, Jackie’s story doesn’t have a happy ending, but Wei sticks with him until the end - and beyond. Because while their relationship was partly built on lies, the friendship was very real.

The Warrior of Light and Haurchefant - FINAL FANTASY XIV Online

As the Warrior of Light, you’ll make many friends in your adventures across Hydaelyn and beyond. But Lord Haurchefant Greystone has earned a special place in many players’ hearts for one simple reason: he’s awesome.

Unlike a number of his peers, this noble Elezen is friendly and welcoming towards adventurers. He’s always ready with a smile, will do whatever he can to help his friends. Haurchefant forms a close bond with the Warrior of Light, who finds an encouraging and reliable companion in him.

You first meet in FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn, where Haurchefant enlists your aid to unravel a conspiracy and help him save an innocent man from execution. That early quest shows you what type of man he is and provides a firm foundation for your friendship.

But that relationship really blossoms in Heavensward, the game’s first expansion. You’ll get much more insight into Haurchefant’s unique family situation and discover what he’s willing to do to aid those he believes in.

He’s as steadfast a friend as a hero could ever meet and one that no Warrior of Light will ever forget.

Of course, when it comes to making friends with… well, basically anyone, Sora’s the true master.

This big-hearted hero travels to many Disney and Pixar worlds, becoming best buds with almost everyone he meets, from street rats like Aladdin to heroes like Hercules. But few of his many, many pals mean as much to him - and vice versa - as Riku.

As friends and rivals living together on the Destiny Islands, the two dreamed off setting off to search for new lands. That wish comes true in the most traumatic way, when the Heartless attack their home and tear the young buddies apart.

A stranded Sora sets out on a search for Riku, while his friend takes… a darker path. But despite everything, Sora never gives up on their bond - and helps bring his buddy back to the light.

Since then, the two friends have fought together, laughed together and saved each other time and time again. As Sora says, his friends are his power and thanks to Riku, he’s very powerful indeed.

Biggs, Wedge and Jessie - FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE

Biggs, Wedge and Jessie: three very different personalities united by their opposition to the Shinra Electric Power Company. Also a love for Jessie’s Mom’s pizza.

Together, they’re core members of the anti-Shira group Avalanche, and their skills complement each other to form a pillar of strength that will never crumble. Biggs is the brains of the cell, with keen strategic insight that helps keeps plans on track even when they’re violently derailed.

Jessie is the tech specialist, building bombs and fake IDs to get the group through Shinra’s security and take down their Mako reactors, and Wedge is the organization’s heart - and stomach. His strong resolve and unwavering commitment to his friends pulls them out of trouble more than once.

But they’re so much more than colleagues, they’re also close friends. You can see this in their mission to the upper plate in Chapter 4, where you get to spend an extended period of time just hanging out with the trio.

You learn how intimately they know each other - and their foibles. You get insight into how much they care about each other and support them unquestioningly. Most importantly, you get the sense that they genuinely love being around each other - and that sense of joy is infectious.

Those were just some of the friendships that warmed our hearts in Square Enix games, but do you agree? Can you think of other examples? Let us know on social media:

6 Square Enix games to play when listening to podcasts

Great games can also be great accompaniments
By Duncan Heaney

Sometimes you want to just spread out on something comfortable and listen to a good podcast. But, if you’re like me, you also like to have a game to play at the same time - something fun to play while you listen to people blab on about games, movies or whatever you’re into.

Some games are better suited to this than others. Life is Strange 2, for example, is a terrible choice - it’s a rich narrative adventure, and to play without sound would be to miss… well basically the entire point.

But other games are perfectly suited podcast accompaniments - and we definitely have some cued up ready in the Square Enix roster.

But first, we should clarify our criteria for a good ‘podcast game’:

What makes a good ‘podcast game’?

Here are our 3 golden rules:

  1. It must let you take a break from the main story if it has one - you don’t want to miss important plot points and cool cut scenes. Also, many games have incredible sound design - so only play these ones if you can enter a sort of 'holding pattern'.

  2. The tasks must be relatively undemanding - if what you’re doing requires too much concentration, you won’t be able to split focus between both the game and the podcast.

  3. It must be pick up and play - if you have to take 5 or 10 minutes to get into the action, it’s probably better you give the game your full attention.

With that out of the way, here are 6 fantastic Square Enix podcast games:


One of the joys of FINAL FANTASY XII is how open it is. At almost any time, you can take a break from the main quest and go for a wander round the expansive world, look for hidden treasure, challenge powerful monsters through the hunt system, and test new party configurations.

The gambit system is the big draw here. It lets you set incredibly detailed instructions for your party to follow in combat, and with a good setup, your team can be largely self-sufficient - at least in a particular area.

Once you have an effective strategy against the local fauna, it’s incredibly satisfying - and addictive - to enter battles and watch your team do their thing. This is particularly true in the ZODIAC AGE edition of the game, where you can speed up time and make fights zip past.

So while you do have to keep your wits about you to an extent - occasionally monsters can surprise you and force you to adjust your tactics - it’s ideal for keeping you occupied while you listen to your favorite shows.

Read more:


The genius of DRAGON QUEST BUILDERS 2 is that it encourages you to play it your way.

While there is a story, and various tasks to complete, it’s largely up to you how and when you get to it. Sometimes it’s fun to simply take a break from being a hero and just… build something. Like when you’re listening to a podcast, for example.

Construction in the game is compelling loop of resource gathering, crafting and block placement. It’s not complicated to understand or control - the biggest requirement from the player is creativity.

So while you’re chortling away to some audio anecdote, you can build a mansion, create the world’s tallest tower, carve your face into the ground… whatever you fancy really.

Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition

When Sleeping Dogs’ story gets going, it can be hard to take a break. It’s a deeply compelling story of honor, betrayal and conflicting loyalties that makes you desperate to find out what happens next.

But it is worth taking a break, because Hong Kong is packed with things to discover - and many of them are perfect podcast fodder.

There are health shrines to find, hidden crates containing loot, and gang hideouts in which to indulge the robust martial arts combat system - and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Or you can pick up a sports car and head out of the city center for a change of scenery - a fast car, a good podcast and the open road. What could be better?


We wouldn’t recommend turning sound off when you play DISSIDIA FINAL FANTASY NT online - the audio cues and announcer Moogle can be vital if you want to stay one step ahead of your rivals. But offline? That’s a different story.

The Sparring and Gauntlet modes are a perfect way to blow off steam while you listen to a show. It’s supremely satisfying to take control of a beloved FINAL FANTASY character and simply let the flashy visuals wash over you as take them into battle.

We suggest Gauntlet mode for maximum podcast diversion. It’s a series of six battles and if you keep the difficulty down throughout, you’ll be able to divert focus between that and your audio without issue.

Even better, you’ll also build up valuable rewards, such as money to spend in the store, new icons for your profile and even new music to listen to. After the podcast though, obviously.


Boundless may be the ultimate podcast game.

This subscription-free MMO basically drops you in a vast, almost limitless, universe and says “go have fun”.

There’s no cinematic storyline or driving narrative - it’s really up to you what you do and how you do it. For example, if you want to explore the vast universe, using portals to hop from world to world, you can. Or you can lay down roots and build up your own city. Or go hunt dangerous monsters. Or craft materials and open your own shop.

It’s that uniquely freeform design that makes it work so well with podcasts. You’re entirely free to interact with the game in the way you want - even if there’s a minor celebrity jabbering away in your ear.

It may not be the most well-known game on this list, but it’s definitely one that’s worth attention.


MMOs do make fantastic podcast partners - and FINAL FANTASY XIV Online proves it.

There’s so much to do in the world of Hydaelyn that it’s almost silly. You could complete some quests to level up a new job and get some loot, join some friends in a dungeon or raid, or even head over to the Gold Saucer and play a few rounds of Cactpot… and that really is the tip of a very large iceberg.

The recent expansion, FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers adds even more fun, including new quests, new dungeons, new features... the list in seemingly endless(though do play with sound if you're going through it for the first time, because the music is utterly wonderful).

Here’s a general tip from us - give the Blue Mage job a go. It’s a unique class that’s designed to be played solo, so you don’t have to worry about other people diverting attention away from your audio.

What’s more, the nature of the job means it’s perfectly suited to podcast play. The Blue Mage learns skills directly from monsters, so you have plenty of incentive to pick fights with everything around you.

Those were our picks, but what about yours? Do you agree with our criteria for a good podcast game - if not, what would you add? Share your thoughts in the comments or on social media:

5 times Square Enix games made YOU the villain

VILLAINS WEEK: Are... are we the baddies?
By Duncan Heaney

Most of the time we play the hero in games. We fight the villains, save the day and are generally really lovely people.

On occasion though, Square Enix games give you an opportunity to indulge your darker side. Sometimes it’s an intentional choice, while others it’s a nasty surprise that shocks or upsets you. It is, however, always memorable.

In honor of Villain Week, here are 5 times Square Enix made you the bad guy:

Following orders in FINAL FANTASY IV

Cecil and Kain in FINAL FANTASY IV are not bad people, but they do some bad things.

The opening of the game sees them participate in a couple of events so awful that they spend the rest of the adventure seeking redemption.

At the beginning of the game, Cecil’s unit, the Redwings, invade the city of Mysidia to steal their crystal. In the aftermath of the violence, Cecil starts to wonder about the motivations of the king, but upon airing his concerns is stripped of his rank.

He’s then sent, with his friend and rival Kain, to deliver a ring to the Village of Mist, but when they get there, monsters burst out of the jewelry and massacre the entire town. Only one young lady survives the truly shocking assault.

Unlike, say Terra in FINAL FANTASY VI, Cecil and Kain don’t have the excuse of being made to act against their will. Instead, they - and you - act out of loyalty to their king and country, and in doing so become complicit in some truly villainous acts.

Meeting with ulterior motives - I am Setsuna

The world of I am Setsuna is cold, bleak and dangerous. Monsters roam everywhere, and some people are chosen as sacrifices to help keep them at bay. These people are considered important and necessary - to kill one would be a crime far beyond simple murder.

Yet this is what you, as mercenary Endir, are out to do near the start of the game. He accepts a contract to assassinate the most recent sacrificial candidate Setsuna, and encounters her on a clifftop. There, he and you are offered a choice - spare her or swing her sword.

Although the plot continues regardless of what you choose, it’s an interesting test of your own villainy…

Read more

Getting a little… too into roleplaying - Life is Strange: Before the Storm

In one of the highlights of Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 1, your character Chloe Price, can take part in a short tabletop role-playing game. As you’d expect from series, you have a lot of choice over how you proceed.

In our playthrough, Chloe - or more accurately the elven barbarian Callamastia - is aggressive, threatening, and quick to anger. As she gets more and more into the game, her behavior only gets more extreme.

It all culminates in a disastrous, albeit hilarious, sequence of events in which our ‘hero’ intimidates an elderly guard with threats so vivid that it dies of fear, repeatedly tries to punch her enemies in… let’s politely call it a ‘sensitive area’, and accidentally chops off her ally’s feet.

To be honest, we don’t know if we’d call Callamastia a villain in the truest sense… but she certainly ain’t a hero.

Running a protection racket in Sleeping Dogs

Wei Shen, the main character of Sleeping Dogs, is a man caught between two worlds. On the one hand, he’s a member of the Triad, working his way up the criminal ladder and bringing his childhood friends with him. On the other, he’s an undercover police officer tasked with bringing those gangs to justice.

Over the course of the game’s missions, Wei Shen discovers that both sides are morally ambiguous at best, and is repeatedly put into positions that fly directly against his - and our - moral code.

For example, one of his first tasks is to collect money from the local market traders for ‘protection’. Most pay up, without question, but there’s a gang war brewing and a couple of shopkeepers back the other guys.

Wei Shen is forced to bust a few heads, mainly rival gang members, in order to remind the holdouts who’s in really in charge.

It’s not the most extreme crime in the game, but there’s something about bullying those who can’t defend themselves that makes it feel particularly cruel. It’s also Wei Shen’s first step towards much, much worse…

Becoming a Warrior of Darkness in FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers

FINAL FANTASY XIV Online typically puts you in the role of a do-gooder. Even if you spend time doing basic fetch quests for the people of Hydaelyn or working on your Triple Triad card collection, you’re still considered a Warrior of Light.

But the incoming expansion FINAL FANTASY XIV: Shadowbringers mixes things up – you must become the Warrior of Darkness in order to destroy the light and save the land of Norvrandt.

For the first time, you’ll be able to see how the other half lives - and trust us, being bad can be a lot of fun.

Of course, as with all great stories, it’s not quite as simple as saying ‘you are now the bad guy’. There are some twists and turns on your journey into darkness… but to spoil anything before the game is out would be… well, pretty villainous.

You can preorder the game here:

Alternatively, if you’d like to try the game without making a commitment, there’s an extensive free trial available. It lets you play up to level 35 and keep your character if you upgrade to the full version.

Those are times that games made us the bad guy, but what about when we're evil through choice? Join us tomorrow, when we take a look at times that we've tormented video game characters for our own selfish pleasure.

Mwahahaha. Et cetera.

Happy launch day everyone! Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition launches today on PS4,  Xbox One and PC (Steam) - woohoo! If you're looking for our shiny new launch trailer, click here (we can't embed it due to age-gating reasons).

For the benefit of those of you wanting to know more about either Sleeping Dogs or the Definitive Edition, take a load off and have a seat. 

One aspect of the original release of Sleeping Dogs that a lot of people liked was the story, so let's start there: You are Wei Shen, an undercover cop who is tasked with infiltrating the Hong Kong Triads. As Wei rises through the Triad ranks, questions arise about his loyalty to both criminals and cops and he must strike a fine balance between underworld enforcer and undercover officer.

The open world of Hong Kong will see you free running, vaulting and racing through a city of dingy back alleys and glamorous high streets while doing whatever you want - completing story chapters or side missions, finding collectibles, winning vehicle races or simply getting down and dirty in fight clubs… 

Which brings me to the combat aspect. Sleeping Dogs focuses heavily on stylised melee combat, particularly martial arts. This involves a system based on counter-moves and bone crunching combo attacks, as well as a heavy sprinkling of environmental kills. You will of course be able to find and use a variety of guns throughout the world, but they aren't everywhere. You'd therefore better work on throwing those punches rather than bulking up that trigger finger!

That's the Sleeping Dogs base game… now for awesome stuff the Definitive Edition adds…  It integrates over 20 DLC packs, which includes outfits with special perks or combat moves, new cars (one of which is mounted with twin miniguns and an EMP) and of course story extending packs that add at least three hours of story gameplay. 

TL;DR? Our 101 trailer should provide you with a nice little recap: 

Are you picking up Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition today? And on what platform - PS4, Xbox One or PC (Steam)? You can pick them all up from the Square Enix Store. Let us know what your favourite part or DLC of the game is! My personal favourite is the Drunken Fist pack, but the DZS-90 'Trans-Terror' super car is a close second… Would love to hear if you agree, but otherwise I hope you enjoy your stay in Hong Kong, Officer Shen.

Hey folks! It's been a little while since I've managed to update you on here about Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition, but that certainly doesn't mean that we've been sitting back with our feet up! Lots to talk about today so bear with me…

Last week I spent four days at EGX in London, where we had a bunch of pods set up for people to play Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition - if you played the game I'm sure we might even have chatted a bit. It was the perfect set up to show off everything that makes the Definitive Edition... well… definitive! That being said, for those of you who weren't there, we've now also released a 101 trailer that shows off the Definitive Edition in all its glory. 

I'm also quite stoked to be able to announce that as of today, you can pre-purchase/pre-order the game via each of its respective platform websites. That is:

  • Xbox One- PlayStation 4 (pre-order only open to North America right now - sorry Europe!)- Steam- Square Enix Store Here's an added treat for you PC players - If you already own Sleeping Dogs on Steam, you'll be able to upgrade to the Definitive Edition for a 50% discount! We would have liked to do the same for you console players, but it unfortunately wasn't possible this time around - sorry!

Now I know that a fair few PC gamers are asking what the difference between the Definitive Edition and the original game with an HD textures pack is - here's your answer: we've redone a lot more than just the textures. We've also reworked character faces, added particle and ambient effects such as volumetric fog. Furthermore, the draw distances have been substantially improved and the gameplay has seen a lot of tweaking. Things that might have been too easy or difficult have been rejigged. Additional breakable enviroment objects have also been introduced so you can have more fun tossing enemy thugs around. On top of all these technical improvements, you've also got the added bonus of almost all previously released DLC packs - that includes outfits, cars and extra story-extending content that amounts to over three hours of additional story gameplay.

If you manage to nab a special Day One Edition you'll also be treated to an awesome digital or physical art book!

I've already shared a few of the images in the book on the Sleeping Dogs Twitter and Facebook pages, but I'll sneak you an exclusive one here because it's you… watch out for the daytime version of it on Twitter and Facebook! 

I'll also try and share some more short gameplay videos with you on our social channels over the next few days so you can see the upgrades first hand. 

In the meantime, however, let me know if you've got any questions about the Definitive Edition and I'll try my best to answer them.

We love Sleeping Dogs. We’re so proud we were able to work with United Front Games on its release, and since launch we’ve been feeding out lots of extras in the form of add-on content, website upgrades and more.

Last week was the latest of those upgrades, with a whole new Challenge system that lets you see just how you shape up against players from all over the world. Fancy checking it out?

All you need to do is head to, link your Square Enix account and hit the Challenges tab – and you’ll find a whole raft of scores we think you really ought to beat… and if you do, you’ll earn Web Face points that count towards unlocking new Challenge slots.

You can even challenge people directly if you know their Square Enix username – a great way to get one over on your mates even more effectively.

That’s pretty cool – but that’s not all. We’ve also added two more whole new sections called Badges and Zodiac.

The first of these is a supplement to your in-game achievements, and tasks you with the fulfilment of a range of new in-game and web-based activity. Can you unlock them all, and prove you’re the complete Sleeping Dogs fan?

Meanwhile, Zodiac is a cool system we’ve devised to look at how you played through the game and assign a special Zodiac sign based on your own special style. There are 12 in all, so which one are you, and how accurately do you think we’ve assessed your skillz?

And last, but by no means least, we’ve also now added Leaderboards – so you can directly check out your own performance against the rest of the world. And if you manage to actually get into the top 20, you can be very, very proud!

Hope you have fun – let us know what you think!

Wei Shen has been cleaning up the streets of Hong Kong using his err... somewhat unorthodox set of skills - and it hasn't gone unnoticed by the Hong Kong Police Department. Wei's responsible for a total of 222,664,707 vehicular kills by our count, so it's time he was chained to the law-abiding responsibilities of a beat-cop. Wei's pork bun-hating superiors thought that would keep him out of trouble, but - as it happens - trouble has a habit of finding Wei.

Year of the Snake follows the continuing story of Wei Shen as he discovers a plot to bomb, terrorise and subdue the citizens of Hong Kong. A doomsday clan - known as the Cult of the Snake - aims to rid the city of evil as they pursue a murderous path to their righteous salvation. He might just be patrolling the sidewalk, but with the addition of an electroshock pistol and tear gas launcher, Wei aims to earn back his honour with the HKPD. 

Year of the Snake is available now on Xbox Live for 560 MSP; PlayStation 3 and PC for £4.39/$6.99/€5.49.

You asked for more mission-based Sleeping Dogs download content, so we've delivered... in our machine gun mounted hypercar! Oh and it has four-wheel steering and an EMP pulse too. The Hong Kong Police Department must have had a bigger budget approved since that Hell-on-earth incident.

Wei Shen's long-time friend, Dr Tang, has created the ultimate vehicle to help tip the scales in Wei's war against drug smugglers. The upgraded DZS-90 will give Wei Shen the tools he needs to take back the streets from the 18K gang in five new action-packed missions.

Law, order, and possibly Armageddon is just a click away!

Remember; don't drive on an empty stomach: have a pork bun!

Out from today, Nightmare in North Point is the first story-extending add-on for Square Enix London Studios’ and United Front Games’ undercover cop drama, Sleeping Dogs. Taking an unusual twist on the traditional open world gameplay, Wei Shen is thrown into a world of Hong Kong Horror when the ghosts of Triads past rise from Hell, bent on taking over the city and installing ‘Smiley Cat’ as the new Dragon Head. Of course, Face doesn’t mean a thing when the minions of hell roam the streets, and Wei must seek out the strongest of Chinese magic to grant him the power to defeat the dead and send them back to Hell for all eternity. 



Priced at 560MSP, $6.99, €5.49, £4.39, Nightmare in North Point will be available from today on PlayStation Network, Xbox LIVE Marketplace and Steam.

Available now are two new add-on packs for Sleeping Dogs from Square Enix London Studios and United Front Games: the police mission-packed SWAT pack and the must-have Screen Legends pack.




Patrol the streets of Hong Kong in an armored SWAT van and respond to multiple emergency situations across Hong Kong across 20 action-heavy mini missions. Kit yourself out in a full-bodied SWAT outfit to conceal your identity and withstand twice as much damage. Plow into fugitive vehicles with the armored SWAT van then use it for cover as you take down armed robbers, drug runners, smugglers, and even resolve hostage situations


Xbox Live: 320MSP

Steam: $3.99, €2.99, £2.39

PlayStation Network: $3.99, €2.99, £2.39




Screen Legends Pack

The Lightning Warrior outfit comes complete with a striking look and your own everlasting sword, always available in your apartments. The unique Wing Chun Master outfit improves your melee counter strikes and commands respect throughout the city.


Xbox Live: 160MSP

Steam: $1.99 / €1.49 / £1.19

PlayStation Network: $1.99 / €1.49 / £1.19


As always it may take some time for the content to propogate on the relevant marketplace. If you can't find these packs please check back later.


Halloween is almost on our doorstep and troublesome supernatural events are soon to shroud the inhabitants of Hong Kong. If you're expecting a run of the mill zombie add-on then you won't find it here. Chinese mythology has much more to offer and a completely different take on the undead than you're accustomed to.



Big Scar Wu was once one of Hong Kong's most notorious and ruthless Triad gangsters. While he instilled fear amongst his enemies he equally unnerved his fellow brothers in the Sun On Yee. Growing further out of control the Grand Dragon set out to make an example of him and had him stabbed 42 times before feeding his bleeding corpse to the grinder at the Smiley Cat food plant.


Fuelled by hated and motivated by revenge, Big Scar Wu has risen from hell as Smiley Cat, bringing with him an army of Jiang Shi. Vowing to destroy the Sun On Yee and lead Hong Kong's most feared criminal empire, there's only one person that can stop him. Seeking out the most powerful of Chinese magic, Wei Shen must face against the ghosts of previously defeated Triads, sending the dead back to hell once and for all.



Nightmare in North Point will be available this Halloween on the PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Marketplace and Steam.

Sleeping Dogs continues to offer great new download content with three new content packs available from today on 360, PS3 and PC.

Community Gift Pack

Specially prepared by the development team at UFG and 100% free of charge

Price: FREE!

Tactical Soldier Pack

Command authority as you dominate the city.

  • The game’s most powerful and destructive weapon
  • Strongest in-game armour with 50% bullet damage resistance

Price: 160MSP, $1.99 / €1.49 / £1.19

Street Racer Pack

Burn rubber on four wheels! Tear-up the streets on two tires! Rip through the water in a turbo-charged speedboat!

  • Exclusive new Sting bike with fastest acceleration and increased handling 
  • Exclusive new Dragon outfit with reduced damage from accidents and gunfire
  • Three new races in cars, bikes and speedboats

Price: 320MSP, $3.99 / €2.99 / £2.39

Download content may take some time before appearing on your platforms store due to normal propagation periods. Please check regularly if the Sleeping Dogs content hasn't yet appeared for you. Also, visit the blog again for more news soon on the Nightmare in North Point download content.

Next week, fans of Sleeping Dogs’ adrenaline-fuelled racing should prepare for the arrival of the Street Racer Pack.


Delving deeper into the underground world of Hong Kong’s illegal race scene, the Street Racer pack launches with three lucrative new races across the streets and waterways of the island: Kamikaze, a race up and down the winding tracks of the city’s Victoria Peak; Cross Island Enduro, an epic endurance motorcycle race; plus the high-speed Harbor Run boat race.



In your garage, a new Sting superbike will be available to take at any time, featuring incredible acceleration and handling, while in your safehouse's wardrobe you'll be able to find the new Dragon outfit with a racing jacket and helmet for reduced damage from both accidents and gunfire.



We asked United Front Games producer Dan Sochan for his thoughts on the Street Racer pack, who told us, "I just love the fact that Wei is such a bad-ass, but he still wears a helmet anytime he’s on a motorcycle, so you get to see the helmet a lot.”


Dan says, “with this pack you get a sweet Dragon-themed helmet that matches the new bike. The motorbike race is awesome, plus this brings a boat race to the game for the first time!”



The Street Racer Pack will be available to download on October 16th from Xbox LIVE (320MSP), PlayStation Network ($3.99 / €2.99 / £2.39) and Steam ($3.99 / €2.99 / £2.39). For the latest news head to


For all those cloud-based gamers out there we're pleased to announce that the limited edition version of Sleeping Dogs (including the GSP Pack and the Police Protection Pack) is out now on OnLive at £29.99.


OnLive allows you to play the latest games without the worry of having the right software configuration or the latest hardware. Using the power of cloud-based servers all the hard calculations and rendering is done off-site and then streamed to your screen, leaving you to relax and enjoy the game.


OnLive gamers can expect the usual host of user features to work from the get-go including a long list of achievements and the brag clips; the ability to record your most epic moments and post them straight to Facebook. If you're interested in checking out the Sleeping Dogs before you hit the magic buy button then the Arena is for you, allowing you to see gamers around the world playing Sleeping Dogs in realtime. Go on, have a peek now (it won't cost you anything).


For all the latest OnLive news head to

Sleeping Dogs Demo Out Now!

By Square Enix Team

If you've been napping you might have missed all the reviews raving about Sleeping Dogs. If they've failed to convinced you to get this awesome game (maddness!) or perhaps you're having a bit of a dog day afternoon and want to relax in front of the TV and try something new, then we've got a treat for you. Out today on PS3, 360 and PS3 is a Sleeping Dogs demo to whet your appetite. Mixed martial arts fun awaits you in the treacherous Triad-filled city of Hong Kong. Hurry up and grab it now, chop chop!


Xbox LIVE users can add it to their download queue here.


Sleeping Dogs Out Now!

By Square Enix Team

It's finally here! It's time to go undercover, push the boundaries of right and wrong, and start fighting your way to the top of the Triads.



If you were in any doubt about brawling around in Hong Kong as Wei Shen, then the games media are insisting this is an opportunity you don't want to miss, this is your responsibility!


"Sleeping Dogs represents a marked step forward for open-world action games, offering surprisingly deep gameplay and an almost meticulous attention to detail" – 9.5/10


“Sleeping Dogs did things that wowed me from the moment I started playing, and it never really stopped. A few finicky issues aside, Sleeping Dogs has proven itself worthy of joining the top class of open-world sandbox games revolutionized by the likes of Grand Theft Auto IV and currently topped by more recent additions like Saints Row: The Third. But don’t be confused; Sleeping Dogs does some things better than even the cream of the crop, and its story will be what keeps you focused on playing. The fact that the game happens to play well is simply icing on the cake.” – 8.5/10


“There’s a part of us that absolutely loves Sleeping Dogs – it’s exactly the kind of game we should see released every year. It’s a game you can lose yourself in for dozens of hours, one you can mess about in as much as you like, one that rarely frustrates and offers a fantastic distraction – an escape – from anything else that might be going on.” – 8/10

It's not long now before you can get your dirty hands on Sleeping Dogs and take role of Hong Kong's most conflicted undercover cop. To celebrate its upcoming release we've put together this awesome launch trailer which perfectly sums up the wealth of fantastic features that this game has to offer. There's action, brutal takedowns, explosive guns, deadly martial arts, fast cars, beautiful women, an all-star cast, a compelling cinematic narrative and much, much more. What's not to like?



Sleeping Dogs will be available from 17th August 2012 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.


For the PC gamers amongst you Sleeping Dogs comes with a whole host of feature to take full advantage of your gaming rig. Right off the bat Sleeping Dogs comes complete with an high resolution texture pack to amp up the world to new levels of realism, transforming Hong Kong into a completely immersive world. But the features don't just end there! Find out more in the video below.

For those of you lucky enough to have EyeFinity or similar multi-monitor setup you can also throw yourself into another layer of immersion that might just make your eyes melt!* Check out these epically large screenshots.

If you've not heard already PC gamers who pre-order also benefit free Sleeping Dogs theme items for Valve's Team Fortress 2! You can find all the details over on their official blog.

Minimum specifications 

  • OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
  • Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or Athlon X2 2.4 GHz- RAM: 2GB
  • Graphic card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible NVIDIA or AMD ATI card, ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT or higher.
  • Graphics card memory: 512 MB
  • Sound card: DirectX compatible sound card
  • Hard drive: 15 GB
  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit- Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
  • RAM: 4GB- Graphics card: DirectX 11 NVIDIA or AMD ATI card, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 or ATI Radeon 6950.
  • Graphics card memory: 1 GB
  • Sound card: DirectX compatible sound card
  • Hard drive: 15 GB  

*Eyes will not melt, and if they did then we hold no responsibility for that.

By now you've seen Wei Shen kick, punch, shoot, run over, and violently takedown any opposition he comes across. But at the end of the day we need to remember that however internally conflicted or ruthless he seems he's still a cop. As well as taking on missions for the Triads you'll also be asked to devote your attention to Police affairs such as investigations, regardless of whether or not they feel "too close to home". Maintaining your cover is no easy task and Wei will need to utilise a number of cunning disguises and ruses to avoid being exposed.


This latest video with Dan Sochan from United Front games takes a polarising look at the other side your role, being a cop.



If we we're to describe this video in one word we'd probably go for "BOOOM-tastic". Guns? Check! Explosions? Check! Ridiculously awesome slow-mo parkour vaulting while shooting all of the bad guys with an assault riffle? Check! Seriously, what's not to like?!



Don't forget you can watch the Mrs Chu's Revenge walkthrough with Dan Sochan right here on the blog.

Sleeping Dogs features the voice talent of Will Yun Lee (Die Another Day, Total Recall) as Wei Shen, an officer sent deep undercover into one of Hong Kong’s most feared Triad gangs, the Sun On Yee. With the aid of Police Inspector Pendrew, played by Tom Wilkinson (Batman Begins, The Full Monty), Wei must earn the trust of his childhood friend, Jackie Mah, voiced by Edison Chen (Infernal Affairs I/II, The Dark Knight). Through Jackie, now a low-level thug running for the Sun On Yee, Wei will become one of the most-trusted lieutenants of Red Pole Winston Chu, played by Parry Shen (Better Luck Tomorrow, The New Guy), slowly becoming ingrained in the criminal underworld and becoming one of the very men he was sent to bring down.


With a supporting cast including Emma Stone (The Amazing Spider-Man, Zombieland), Robin Shou (Hard to Kill, Fatal Chase), Terence Yin (New Police Story, Colour of the Truth), James Hong (Blade Runner, The Day the Earth Stood Still), Lucy Liu (Kill Bill: Vol. 1, The Man with the Iron Fists), Tzi-Ma (Rush Hour, The Quiet American), Yunjin Kim (Lost, Diary of June) and Kelly Hu (Martial Law, X2), Sleeping Dogs features one of the most credible casts of Asian and Western cinema stars, bringing the game’s deep and evolving plot to life.


With United Front Games’ Sleeping Dogs only three weeks from release, Square Enix London Studios today revealed an exclusive piece of bonus content for Just Cause fans. Sleeping Dogs players with a passion for Panau, and a Just Cause 2 game save on their hard drive, will find an exciting piece of free content available in the hotly anticipated open world cop drama.



Available in-game from launch, players browsing Wei Shen’s safehouse wardrobe will gain access to a unique new player outfit… a Just Cause 2 clothes set. Featuring Rico Rodriguez’ trademark look, players stepping out onto the streets of Hong Kong dressed as the King of Chaos will gain a distinct boost to their action hijack ability, allowing them to perform stunt-style takeovers of enemy vehicles from an even greater distance.




This exclusive Just Cause 2 clothes set will be available in-game from launch across all formats upon detection of a Just Cause 2 game save on the machine’s hard drive.

The latest Sleeping Dogs Behind the Scenes trailer follows current UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre (GSP) in a visit to developer United Front Games. A phenomenal mixed martial artist and an expert in his field, GSP’s input to the game has been invaluable. Working closely with the combat team on Sleeping Dogs’ martial arts moves, the game's kicks, punches and combos have been broken down and analysed to ensure each is as realistic and authentic as can be. “Having a guy who embodies what MMA is today come in and help us tweak our fighting,” commented Senior Producer Jeff O’Connell, “absolutely helped us take the game to another level.”


In the back room of the Golden Koi, the restaurant is far from Mrs Chu's mind. With her close friend dead, murdered at her own wedding, it's revenge that needs serving. With one of the gunmen known to Wei, an explosive mission unfolds across the streets of Hong Kong . In this latest trailer, producer Dan Sochan walks us through some of Sleeping Dogs' best-in-class combat.


If there's one thing alone worth getting Sleeping Dogs for, it'd have to be the fighting. Sleeping Dogs features a wide range of martial arts from deadly kicks to lethal takedowns. It was important for us to bring a believable experience to the game so we consulted the best of the best, mixed martial artist Georges St, Pierre. GSP has brought his wide experience and vast knowledge onboard to bring you the highly tense sensation that he feels every time he fights, to the game. Losing isn't an option and patience; waiting for your enemies to make a mistake, can be just as effective as brute force.


Once again we put your questions where it matters most, to the top dogs of the gaming industry to get the answers you were eager to hear. Sleeping Dogs Producer, Dan Sochan of United Front Games, gave up his time to talk about the likelihood of a Sleeping Dogs demo, boat chases, and why the Average Joe should be excited by the Hong Kong cinema influence.


We hope you enjoy the interview, please leave your feedback in the comments below.


If the "101 Trailer" wasn't intense enough for you (what's wrong with you!) then we've got a brand new trailer just for E3. Mixed Martial Arts, chases, driving, gun fights, women, awesome story...what more could you want?


We'll be interviewing Dan Sochan (Producer on Sleeping Dogs) so if you've got a question for him just let us know in the comments. Don't forget to also tell us what you thought of the trailer!



Last week we invited community members from the official Square Enix website, Eurogamer and IGN to come along to our HQ and get their hands on Sleeping Dogs. That's right; some of the friendly faces you know and love from the community were the first fans in the UK to play the game before anyone else! It was great for us to be able to spend time with the fans face-to-face and to get feedback from where it matters most, you the gamer. 


Not only that we were very lucky to grab Dan Maher (formerly of Inside Xbox, now Explosive Alan Productions) to film the whole event! If you want to find out more about Sleeping Dogs and what gamers like you thought, check out the video below. Maybe you'll spot someone you know?!



A big thanks to everyone who attended, we can't thank you enough. Look out for more opportunities to check out favourite Square Enix games before anyone else, here on the blog.


You can follow Explosive Alan Productions on Facebook and twitter for coverage on all your favourite games.

Sleeping Dogs 101

By Square Enix Team


  • A diverse and beautiful city that sees you visit everything from the backstreet slums, to the corporate towers of Hong Kong? Check!
  • Brutal environmental takedowns with fire extinguishers, car doors, cleavers and a long list of other deadly objects? Check!
  • Car chases, street races, boat pursuits and epic wheelies on your motorcycle? Check!
  • Bone-crunching, pain-inducing, and plain dead-scary mixed martial arts moves? Check!
  • Women, money, and face? Check! The list goes on! Get up to speed on all things Sleeping Dogs in this latest 101 trailer.



We've got a great opportunity for those of you who are looking forward to Sleeping Dogs to get your hands on the game very soon. If you're in the London area and can make it down to our offices in Wimbledon for this Thursday evening, you could not only sit down with the game itself, but also take part in a roundtable discussion with Dan Sochan from United Front Games.


The slots we have available are as follows:


Thursday May 24th

4pm - 5pm

5:15pm - 6:15pm

6:15pm - 7:30pm


If you are absolutely certain that you can get to Wimbledon during these times, please email us at using the subject line "Sleeping Dogs Community Day". Please state your age (this event is 18+ only) and your preferred timeslot and we will let you know whether you have been successful on Wednesday May 23rd.


We hope to see you here at Square Enix HQ on Thursday!

If there's one thing that stands out the most about Sleeping Dogs, it's the combat. While you can arm yourself to the teeth in weaponry, you can also just have as much fun with martial arts combat.


Breaking limbs, grapples and swift roundhouse kicks to the head are like riding a bike for Wei Shen, he doesn't even break a sweat. Beating down bad guys is what he does for fun. Get him angry however, and boy you're going to regret it. Circular saw to the face, meat hooks to the back, car doors, fridge doors, fuse boxes, frying pans...the list goes on.



This game isn't for the faint of heart. Inspired by Hong Kong cinema it's a brutal interpretation of the dangerous Hong Kong Triads and criminal gangs. You're going to love every second of it!


Georges St-Piere (better known by his fans as GSP) has teamed up with Square Enix and United Front Games as consultant on Sleeping Dogs. This 5'10", 170 lbs mean, lean, fighting-machine is the current Welterweight Champion of the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and has won 24 of his 22 matches. His background includes Kyokuyshin Karate, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Boxing and Muay Thai. Needless to say he’s a lethal weapon and well versed in martial arts.


It’s because of this vast experience that we knew GSP would be the ideal man to help us craft Sleeping Dogs into the Hong Kong brawler we know it deserves to be. But aside from extensively helping us develop the combat system, GSP is also lending his signature ‘flying punch’ move and outfit to the limited edition version of the game.


Which leads us neatly onto the subject of Sleeping Dogs release date. Sleeping Dogs will be coming to UK and other PAL territories on the 17th August 2012, and 14th August 2012 in North America, for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. The limited Edition of Sleeping Dogs contains the following additional content:


‘Georges St. Pierre (GSP)’ content:

  • GSP’s signature “flying punch”- Exclusive GSP outfit including T-shirts, headband and shorts- The GSP outfit unlocks the “flying punch” and increases grappling and throwing damage ‘Police Protection’ content:
  • Exclusive “High Speed” Mission- Exclusive HK Police SWAT Outfit- Exclusive assault rifle- Exclusive SWAT Police Vehicle The limited edition pack will be available at all UK games retailers for consumers who pre-order the game. Please check with your preferred retailer for further details. Exclusive content for the digitally downloadable PC version of Sleeping Dogs will be announced at a later date.

What use is a big playground of a city without some fun toys to throw around in it? Over 65 vehicles will be at your disposal in Sleeping Dogs and this latest video teases at what you can expect.



So, what do you think? What vehicle are you most eager to get your mitts on? Will you be catching criminals or jumping into street races and pulling off some stunts?


If you want to stay up to date on all the news don't forget to add Sleeping Dogs to your newsboard.


The city of Hong Kong is a world unto its own. With a herriage of both Chinese and British origin, the city blends the personalities of both Western and Eastern cultures for something altogether unique. Together they combine for a rare open-world experience unlike no other, and the perfect playground for any gamer. 


In this latest trailer United Front Games talk about their motivations for choosing Hong Kong and the inspiration that Hong Kong cinema had when crafting some of their ideas. To find out more about the world of Wei Shen and the ugly side of the Triads, check out the video below.



If you want all the latest news then join the very active community over on You can also like the page on Facebook, follow @sleepingdogs on twitter and SE Members can add Sleeping Dogs to the newsboard.


The Art of Tyler Stout

By Square Enix Team


When we looked to create a visual identity for Sleeping Dogs we knew we needed to do something a little bit different. We wanted to stand out from the crowd, a task that is exceptionally challenging. We wanted something that was big, bold, grabbed your attention, but most importantly told you a bit about our game in those vital first few glances.


When we first stumbled upon the artwork of Tyler Stout we were instantly blown away. His illustration style displays a retro throwback to the early glory days of video games. We knew that Tyler was the artist who could bring us something truly unique and refreshing to the table. Tyler's forte is movie posters. Head over to his website and you’ll see a vast collection reimagined films, old and new. From cult classics such as Start Trek 2 and Star Wars, it’s a geek haven filled with notorious icons. When IGN asked him what influenced him it's no surprise to see that comic books have been a huge source of inspiration,



With his talent for movie posters and passion for comics, Tyler's gift brought all the Sleeping Dogs components together in one piece of cinematic imagery. You can see the looming towers of Hong Kong, the wealth of characters you're going to encounter and of course, the violence that engulfs Wei Shen. We think you'll agree with us that this is one game you're not going to forget!


For more of Tyler Stout's art head to where you'll find details on how to order prints of any of his designs. Don't forget, you can also head to for the latest Sleeping Dogs developments and interviews.







3 weeks ago we announced a new collaboration between Square Enix London Studios and United Front Games to bring you Sleeping Dogs, a gritty open world action-adventure game like no other.  Based on the dangerous world of the Hong Kong triads our live-action trailer introduced you to Wei Shen, an undercover cop living a dangerous double life. But while that trailer was awesome (almost too awesome) we know that when it comes down to it, it’s gameplay that warms the heart of gamers across the globe. So let’s put a smile to that face of yours.



Hong Kong is a vibrant city full of life but underneath it all is a grim, violent, seedy underbelly. Taking on the role of Wei you will have to infiltrate the triads and work your way up through the Red Poles, Lieutenants, all the way to the Dragon Master. Sleeping Dogs will hurtle you head first into a world of adrenaline-fuelled street races, deadly motorcycle pursuits and intense shoot outs.



But a gun is only as deadly as the person using it and lucky for you, Wei is well trained in a wide range of bone-crunching, limb-snapping martial arts moves. Use powerful combos to kick, punch and throw your enemies into submission and when things need to get really messy you’ll make the environment your weapon. Smash them head first into a phone-box, slam them between a refrigerator door, find a circular saw and...well you get the idea. 


Sleeping Dogs will keep you gripped, fighting your way through Hong Kong eager to find out how Wei's story unfolds. If you want to stay up to date on all the latest Sleeping Dogs news you can follow the Sleeping Dog game page to add it to your Newsboard. You can ‘like’ Sleeping Dogs on Facebook and follow Sleeping Dogs on twitter. Also, don't forget to head over to the official website for exclusive news and to join the community in the forums.


This is Sleeping Dogs!

By Square Enix Team


United Front Games and Square Enix London Studios have teamed up to bring you an open world action-adventure game like no other. Thrown into the hustle and bustle of one of the world’s most densely populated locations, you’ll uncover the darker side to Hong Kong. This is Sleeping Dogs!



Watched the video? Good, because you’ve just met Wei, the undercover cop tasked with infiltrating the criminal underbelly of Hong Kong. Convincing the triads that he’s one of them will be no easy task. They’ll push him to his limits, testing him, blurring the lines between lawful and criminal. He’ll have to kick, punch, and slash his way to the top with a cleaver. Blood will be spilt and when his fists get tired, he’ll be executing his enemies with a fury of bullets whilst speeding away on a motorcycle. Yes, you can do everything you just saw in the video.




This is a gritty story that’s not for the faint of heart. If you want to know more we’ll be back on the blog soon with plenty more news as well as an opportunity to ask your questions directly to Square Enix and United Front Games. In the meantime if you want to keep up to date on all things Sleeping Dogs then you can find us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Also join in on the discussion with our community over at


Don’t forget to let us know what you think of the trailer in the comments below.